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Power your ride! Logo e-Bikes, the lightest e-bikes in the UAE.
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  • Our E-bikes

    Do you have to cycle right across the busy traffic or are you up for a hilly trip of 15 kilometres? Just choose the LOGO model that fits the way you use your bike and enjoy your trip.

    LOGO e-bikes are now fully available at a Wolfi’s store near you! Make sure you’re one of the first people with a LOGO e-bike, because you’ll get a nice gift when ordering.

    All our e-bikes will be delivered by one of the Wolfi’s Stores. So that means that you can sit back, relax and wait until we bring your bike!


    For the designs of the LOGO e-bikes we wanted to use the best materials we could think of. All our models are made of extremely strong and lightweight materials. That means you can rely on a very safe and fast ride, which is exactly what characterizes our e-bikes.

    Want to know more about the design and materials?

    E-Bike experience

    What defines an ultimate e-bike experience? It all comes together in the heart of the e-bike, where the drive systems are. The FS10 and XD02 are both provided with a different drive system.

    The one that fits you the most depends on the environment you’ll going to use your e-bike. Have a look at our systems and decide what kind of rider you are.